Following the elevated norms of prominent global productions, this show, set to take place at the National Theatre in May, takes us on a captivating journey exploring the works of the iconic actor Abdulhussain Abdulredha. This grand retrospective production involves over 80 artists, seamlessly collaborating on stage in harmonious synergy, encompassing singing, musical performances, and theatrical acts. It also integrates recorded archival material using modern technological techniques, transporting the audience into the legendary world of Abdulhussain. The production revolves around his close bond with music, featuring the opening and closing musical credits of his TV series, operettas of various genres, sketches, and other songs from his extensive body of work, offering the audience unexpected and limitless surprises.
Abdulhussain Abdulredha was not only a talented actor but a versatile artistic entity, engaging in production, directing, writing, composing, and singing. His exceptional talent continued to bring joy to people through a prolific career spanning over half a century. With over a hundred works across theatre, television, and radio, his unforgettable characters are engraved in our collective memory. His brilliance lies in presenting social and economic topics in an engaging manner, showcasing his wit and intellect.
1. No food or beverage are permitted inside the venue.
2. Professional photography is not allowed.
3. The age limit indicated on the show ticket must be respected.
4. No exchange or refund is permitted unless the event is canceled or postponed.
5. Only tickets sold through the official sales channels shall be honored.
6. Tickets may not be resold or offered for resale under any circumstance.
7. Tickets shared over social media with the barcode visible before the start of the show may be canceled.
8. Re-entry of ticketholders may not be granted to the venue due to security reasons.
9. Venue doors will close at the time indicated on the ticket.
10. To ensure a wonderful experience for all our concerts and performances, we would like to remind our valued guest with Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmed Cultural Centre house rules and conditions, as indicated on tickets that doors are open 60 minutes prior to the show and closes 10 minutes before start time, therefore, ticket holder arriving late are subject to be admitted at suitable times in accordance with the nature of each show.
11. Neither the promoter nor the venue accepts responsibility for lost or stolen items.
12. Violating any of the above terms and conditions grants us the right to cancel tickets without a refund and deny ticketholders from attending or continuing the show.